Do you need strategies to help you say no when you need to?
We’ve all been there. We want decline a request, but we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
These 7 strategies will show you how to say no to unwanted obligations while affirming the person making the request.
You can be kind AND say no. This guide shows you how. Get yours today and take back control of your life one NO at a time.

This quick guide provides 7 strategies to help you say no politely yet confidently.
- Seven different strategies that cover a wide range of scenarios.
- Each strategy includes 4 example sentences to show you exactly how to say no with grace.

I’m Lisa, a recovering people-pleaser and conflict-avoider who still finds it challenging to say no at times.
One thing I’ve learned—saying no is a VITAL LIFE SKILL! This simple guide will help you have the confidence to say no when you need to. You can do it!
Download your copy today.