If your goal is to blend into the crowd, go with the flow, or excel in keeping everyone around you happy, this site isn’t for you.

If you’re ready to stop living in fear of what other people think and quit the never-ending hustle to measure up and fit the correct image, read on!

This site is for quirky misfits, recovering people pleasers, and anyone who longs to live a more confident, authentic, meaningful, and contented life.


Do you wish you could be seen, heard, and understood for who you are, deep down inside, without any mask or pretense? Do you want to live out your values instead of going along with the crowd to avoid making waves?

Are you ready to quit trying to fulfill everyone else’s expectations so you can pursue your own God-given calling in your own quirky, unique way?

If so, join me in adopting the...

Go to Lisa's blog

Do you want help living an out-of-the-ordinary life?

Visit my blog for hope, inspiration, and practical advice to help YOU live a more authentic, more meaningful life, one small step at a time.