Sometimes we lose the joy of the season amidst all the hustle and bustle. Don’t let that happen. Slow down just a little, and don’t forget to savor all the simple pleasures of the season.
Here are ten suggestions to help you savor the season.
- End each day by turning out the lights and enjoying a few minutes by the light of the Christmas tree or your favorite candles. Christmas music and mugs of hot cocoa optional.
- When you sing along to your favorite carols, think about the words. Many carols have profound lyrics, if only we’d stop to notice them. For even more impact, recite the lyrics as a poem and ponder the lines that strike you, or that evoke a memory.
- Choose to see the beauty. Instead of cringing at the neighbor’s tacky display of blow-up lawn decorations, or grumbling that they completely miss the “reason for the season” look for decorations that help you remember the truth of Christmas. Let your memories and imagination add special meaning to the lights/wreathes/candles/candy canes and choose to savor that rather than the other stuff. Beauty is always there, if we look for it.
- Spread peace and goodwill towards men wherever you go. Let a harried parent go before you in the checkout line. Say kind words to the cashier. Savor the words of thanks and grateful looks your actions produce. Know your little bits of kindness will affect those around you, perhaps in bigger ways than you would ever guess.
- Whenever you buy, wrap, give or open a gift, think about the reason for the gift. Count the blessings that person has brought into your life. Pray for them and their family. Thank God for your job and coworkers. Or ponder God’s gift to us, and let the awe of that priceless gift color your attitude toward giving gifts to others.
- Indulge without guilt. (In moderation, of course.) December is not the month to beat yourself up every time you eat a cookie or piece of chocolate. Promise yourself you’ll get back on track in January and go ahead and savor that fruitcake, eggnog or other goodie. (Just remember, savor means to eat it slowly, paying attention to the flavors and textures. Mindlessly eating while watching TV is not savoring.)
- Spend some time thinking about every person who sends you a card. Reminisce, consider the many joys the friendship had brought you, and pray for them.
- Focus on the seasonal activities that bring you the most joy. If you love caroling, find excuses to go out and sing. If you’d rather bake, skip the choir gathering, make a list of people who would appreciate a plate of goodies and bake your heart out. (You can, of course, sing a carol or two while you deliver the goodies.)
- Come up with your own unique way to slow down and enjoy togetherness. Make it as crazy as you want. Have a picnic in the living room, where the kids cook hot dogs in the fireplace. Have a family game night, where each member gets to pick one game for all to play. Take turns reading a favorite Christmas story out loud. What you do isn’t important, its the why that matters.
- Find a place to go outside on a clear night and look at the stars. The darker (ie away from the glare of lights) the better. I read this morning that many Americans have never seen the Milky Way–because they’ve never escaped the city lights and taken the time to look up on a dark night. The shepherds in Bethlehem knew the glories of the starry night sky. Do you?
Enjoy your simple Christmas moments!
Hi Lisa, Thanks! These are great. Always enjoy your column! Christmas blessings to you and your family.
Thanks! Blessings to yours as well. I hope you have many chances to soak in the simple joys of the season.