During this hectic Christmas season, it’s all so easy to focus on your own agenda. To charge ahead, eager to cross the next thing off your towering To Do List. Finish the decorating, the shopping, the baking, and everything else you need to do this busy time of year.
But are you doing it with the right heart?
You can go through your tasks driven by the need to check things off the list, or you can do each one with mindfulness and purpose. The work is the same, but the mindset is different.
Choose to be a blessing
It’s all about intention. You can decide to imbue every task you do this day with an intent to bless whoever will benefit from your work. Whether you are folding laundry, making dinner, wrapping gifts, or decorating fancy cookies, you can focus merely on doing the task, or you can think about those for whom you work.
How much richer life can be when you keep a mindset of blessing as you go about your day.
Intentional blessings benefit everyone
Working with the intent to bless:
- Gives you a sense of purpose, even when doing boring or yucky tasks.
- Helps you to keep and attitude of gratitude
- Helps you remain mindful of those you care about throughout your busy day
- Keeps you in a positive state of mind, because you remember the why behind your efforts—even if those who benefit are not appreciative of your work. Their lack of appreciation cannot erase the intentional blessing you put into your efforts.
There’s nothing difficult or magical about it, but it does require practice to keep the blessing mindset at the forefront as you go about your day. Choosing to develop a blessing mindset might be the best gift you can give yourself, and those around you this Christmas!