What are you passionate about? Dictionary.com defines passion as strong or extravagant enthusiasm, fondness, or desire. Have you ever thought of your calling or life passion as something you are extravagantly enthusiastic about?
But wait! Isn’t extravagance something we should avoid?
Not necessarily.
According to merriam-webster.com, extravagant means exceeding the limits of reason or necessity.
So then, a passion is something that stirs our soul to extravagant levels of enthusiasm—that is, levels that exceed necessary limits. It is not practical or logical. It is not sensible or safe.
But neither is it something to be ignored or taken lightly. Trust that God puts passions in your heart for his purposes, and we know that sometimes God’s purposes don’t look practical or necessary to us.
Are you living a life without extravagant enthusiasm for anything?
Are you trudging through life without room for the interests or hobbies that make your soul sing and put a spring in your step?
Our society doesn’t place much value on what stirs our soul. Soul-stirring doesn’t pay the bills, fold the laundry, or get the kids into top-tier universities. Which means too many people live busy, overworked lives that lack fulfillment because they never allow themselves room to pursue the passions that live deep in their hearts.
According to hospice nurse Bonnie Ware, who wrote The Top Five Regrets of the Dying the number one regret of her patients was, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” And number five was, “I wish I’d let myself be happier.”
In other words, many people get to the end of their lives and realize they missed out by not pursuing the interests and dreams that stirred their soul.
I don’t want to join them.
Do you?
If not, let’s agree to make room in our lives for extravagant enthusiasm for the activities and interests that stir our souls.
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.
~ Oprah Winfrey

Finding your life passion
What stirs your soul? The answer is not some earth-shattering ideal that requires days of soul-searching. Our heart already knows the answer, although we may have ignored it for so long that we don’t know how to put it into words.
If you aren’t sure where your passion lies, ask yourself questions like:
- What am I drawn to?
- What kind of activities, people, or needs touch my soul in a way I can’t ignore?
- What were my favorite pastimes as a child?
- If I had time and money to spare, how would I most enjoy spending it?
- What do I enjoy doing even though I’m not all that good at it?
- What would I keep pursuing even when the going wasn’t easy?
You may have an extravagant fondness for learning, or making things with your hands, or interacting with children. All of these passions can lead to action in any number of ways. Your goal is to find some way to breathe life into a passion that fits within your current life situation and boundaries.
What stirs your soul to the point of extravagant enthusiasm?
What one step can you take today that will bring you closer to pursuing it?
What are you waiting for? Take that step!
Chase down your passion like it’s the last bus of the night.
~ Terri Guillemets
Original post Jan 30, 2018. Updated May 20, 2024.
Hi Lisa, Thanks for this encouraging and thought-provoking post! My husband and I were just talking about what our passions are, trying to identify them… I definitely don’t want to have any of “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying”– and think some changes need to be made. Thank you, again!
I think this is a tough battle for most of us today. I hope I can do my small part to encourage others to take ownership of their God-given passions.
Well Lisa I have to be honest and not post anything philosophical. I drive my extravagant passion. Enjoyed the read.