Are you facing a situation that once upon a time brought you great joy and fulfillment, but now it’s become joyless? Perhaps a relationship has gone cold, perhaps a spiritual discipline no longer seems to bring you to that higher plane, or perhaps a ministry that once stirred excitement now feels like drudgery.
Whatever the situation, do not fret. We all go through these dark times, when joy seems to have evaporated. If you are facing a joyless season, remember this:

Yes, your feelings of emptiness, frustration, and dreariness are true. But the joy you once experienced is just as true. Do not listen to the voice that whispers your joy is gone forever. Instead, believe you can find your way back to joy.
When a joyless season hits, you have a choice:
- You can settle into the darkness and feel sorry for yourself because the joy is gone.
- You can push through the darkness, believing that it will not last forever and that you will come out the other side stronger than before.
How to make it through a joyless season
- Remember that everyone faces dark seasons and joyless stretches. You are not alone.
- Realize that this is primarily a spiritual battle. Because you are not seeing evidence of God’s goodness right now in your dark time, you may be tempted to despair and believe that God’s goodness has expired, or that he doesn’t care, or that he isn’t powerful enough to watch over you. Instead, choose to believe God’s goodness is true even when you can’t see proof of it right now.
- Rather than focusing on the problem, (which is our natural human tendency) fix your eyes on God. The more you focus on God and his truth, the more you can believe in his goodness even when you cannot see it. It is much easier to walk through the dark times when you can bank on the fact that God’s goodness is still valid, rather than worrying that God’s goodness may have run out.
- Remember that joy is not based on your circumstances. People can experience joy in their darkest hour, and they can feel joyless in the midst of ideal circumstances. Even when circumstances are rotten, you can choose to cling to hope and faith.
- Surround yourself with wise, supportive people who will encourage you through your struggles.
May you hold fast to hope, trust in God’s unchanging goodness, and bravely push through the desolation to the light and joy on the other side.
Important note: If joy has disappeared from all areas of your life, you may be suffering from something more serious than a rough patch. You need help. Talk to a pastor, trusted counselor, or medical professional.