How can you and I spread joy instead of discord in the world today?
I can’t stem the tide of darkness and hate, but I can spread joy and encouragement in my little corner of the world.
I can’t fix the world’s problems, but I can do my part to make a positive difference in someone’s life today.
I can’t control the content of news and social media, or the nasty words that those around me speak, but I can control what messages I share with others.
When we look at the crazy world around us, it’s all too easy to feel helpless, hopeless, or guilty. So many problems, and our efforts feel like a tiny drop in a huge ocean.
Maybe so, but I choose to believe my small efforts are not wasted.
Neither are yours.
I believe that I exist, therefore I matter. And because I matter, my choices and my actions matter.
So do yours.
What if we all decided to spread a little joy today? How many lives could we touch? How many days could we brighten? How might a spark of joy spread from person to person as our small act of kindness is passed on? And on. And on.

Simple ways to spread joy
- Celebrate a small milestone. Did a coworker just finish a big project? Treat them to a cup of coffee. Did you child/grandchild do something worthy of an “Atta boy!” or “You go, girl!”? Find a small way to celebrate it with them. (Imaginary tea may be enough. Don’t forget to point your pinkies.)
- Be generous with gratitude. Thank all service personnel, and leave them with a “have a nice day” or similar kind words.
- Smell the flowers together. Notice the beauty around you and point it out to someone (who will share your appreciation).
- Pay attention. When someone shares something that matters to them, pay attention. The subject might bore you to tears, but by listening to them share about their passion you prove you care about the other person.
- Pass it on. Did something make you smile today? Consider who you might share it with and pass the smile on.
- Look for valid reasons to give people compliments. So often we only speak up when something is wrong. Be intentional about noticing and praising the good.
- Think before you post. Does the message you are about to share encourage, build up, or point to the good? If not, maybe you don’t need to share it, no matter how much you agree with the sentiment. We can’t fight hate and cruelty by pointing fingers or complaining about THEM.
May you find joy today as you spread kindness and encouragement to others.