‘Tis the season for Christmas cheer and ho ho ho.
Except that most people feel extra stress during this month. Overloaded schedules. Extra expenses. Crowded stores. Family tensions. Etc.
You and I can add to the stress, or we can help alleviate it. We cannot fix other people’s problems, but we can be a warm light of kindness and compassion to those we meet. Who knows when our simple act of kindness will make all the difference to someone’s life.
11 Simple ways to add cheer instead of stress as you go about your day:
- Speak kind words to service personnel (even if they are not particularly nice to you). Harried clerks and wait staff need a boost after all the stressed and grumpy customers they’ve faced. So smile, say thank you, and wish them a good day.
- Let someone else go first. In the parking lot, the checkout line, the elevator.
- Resist the urge to gripe. Rather than focusing on the rude behavior of others, look for moments of kindness or beauty and share them instead.
- Post an uplifting meme, song, or video on social media. We can all use a laugh or a positive thought on stressful days.
- Surprise someone with a small gift. Just to add a smile to their day.
- Hide a note of affirmation or gratitude for a loved one to find. (No embarrassing them! The point is to give them a smile and remind them you love them.)
- Perform a small kindness. Hold the door, lend a hand, send someone an encouraging text. Look for small ways to give others a lift.
- See how many smiles you can cause. If you thrive on competition, keep a tally of how many people you can make smile by your cheery words or kind actions. Then challenge a friend to beat your score.
- Thank someone for their kindness or help. We all know what it feels like when our efforts go unappreciated, so be intentional about thanking those around you. Especially at this busy time of year when others are too focused or harried to bother.
- Donate to a cause. We are bombarded with pleas for donations at this time of year. Do not feel guilty for declining to support them all. However, this is a good time to give to the organizations you care about. Also, why not drop your loose change in whatever donation bins you pass.
- Indulge in a small treat. We need to spread cheer to ourselves, too. For best results, share your treat with someone, because shared joy lifts out spirits even more.
I hope these reminders will help you spread kindness and compassion during this hectic time of year.
Be the change, not the Grinch!
Great ideas– Thanks, Lisa! Merry Christmas!
You’re welcome. Have a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and happy memories.