Are you struggling to be grateful today?
When life takes an unexpected turn, it’s easy to dwell on fears and uncertainties. But that is not the whole truth. Even during tough times there is goodness, beauty, and hope.
Which would you rather focus on?
One of the key factors to resiliency in a crisis is gratitude. Choosing to maintain an attitude of gratefulness despite our troubles will help us cope with stress, boost our overall health, and enable us to function better.
I know it’s not easy, but it’s worth the effort.
Three simple ways to promote gratitude today
- Model it. Be a model of gratitude for others. At home, at work, in the store, online. Attitudes are contagious. Wouldn’t you rather spread gratitude and kindness instead of bitterness and strife?
- Add buts. A positive and grateful attitude doesn’t mean we are delusional and pretending things are swell when they’re not. Instead, it means we choose to see the positive as well as the negative. It’s about keeping a balanced perspective. One simple way to do that is to add a ‘but’ to all negative statements, like this: “I’m worried about my parents’ safety, BUT I’m thankful we can communicate so easily with cell phones and email.” Or this. “I think closing the schools and colleges is disastrous, BUT I’m grateful for all the teachers who are trying their best to make online learning work.”
- Exercise your gratitude filter. Muscles grow stronger with exercise. In the same way, a grateful attitude becomes easier with practice. The more we practice focusing on the good, the easier it become to see it. Hone your observational skills by looking around you and listing everything you see that sparks gratitude. Often they are the things we take for granted, like sunshine, electricity, or a soft bed in a warm house. Challenge yourself (and other family members) to list as many items as you can. Then do the same tomorrow, only try to come up with a different list. Go beyond the obvious to deeper levels of gratitude, such as things others have done or said to you that is still making a difference in your life today.
In times like these, it can be tough to keep a positive attitude. Practicing gratitude will help—not just in your own heart but in the lives of those around you as well.
What are you grateful for today?
I absolutely loved this post! I love how you show how to accept things go wrong BUT there’s always a positive and something to be grateful for. Very nice and refreshing!
Thanks for your comment. It’s so easy to become focused on one aspect of a situation and forget the rest of the story. I hope you see the positives in all you face today.
I’ve come across a lot of people who tell you to express gratitude but yours is quite different. The addition of “BUT” is a game changer. Thank you
Thanks. Sometimes the simplest things are the most helpful.