Last February I mentioned a book entitled Everything Is Figureoutable. This has become my mantra as I’ve faced the challenges of a post-pandemic world and as I’ve embarked on a new journey into the unknowns of the publishing industry. (Marketing a book? Yikes!)
Pretty much every day I have to remind myself that everything is figureoutable. And then I try to take at least one small step toward figuring out whatever is causing me anxiety.
As this year comes to an end I’ve been reflecting back over some of the challenges I’ve faced, both big and small. I decided to share some of my successes with you, to encourage you in your own struggles.
Seven things I’ve figured out how to do this year…
How to make masks.
I never said all my successes were earth-shattering. Since my husband wears them every day at work, it was important that I figure out how to make ones he finds comfortable. Mine might not be as professional-looking as the ones you can buy, but they work.
How to lead virtual meetings.
When the world came to a halt last March, connecting via the internet became the only option. So I figured out how to use Zoom to run meetings. And then I figured out what aspects of in-person meetings worked well in that format, and which had to be adapted. This technology already existed, but it took the pandemic to force me to learn how to use it.
How to hire a library director.
Last December our library director took a new job, so as Board Chair I had to guide the library trustees through the process of interviewing and hiring a new director. I had never been on a search committee before, let alone made a hiring decision. I needed a lot of advice from those who knew more about this than I did, but I followed their suggestions and by February we had accomplished our goal.
One key lesson I learned from this experience is the importance of seeking expert advice when you’re in over your head. This process could have been tons more stressful if I hadn’t sought out assistance from the start. (Kudos to Stephanie, our District Consultant, who guided me through the process and made things as easy as possible.)
How the book publishing process works.
In the beginning of 2020 I finally signed a contract with a book publisher. Over the ensuing months I have been working through edits, cover design, checking proofs, creating ad copy and much more. I am fortunate to be working with a publisher that helps their authors learn the ropes and succeed. I am also fortunate to have peers and mentors that can add their advice and encouragement to the process.
How to create a book trailer video.
My publisher recommenced that I create a book trailer. I’ve never made a video. I didn’t know were to start. But I decided to give it a try.
First I figured out what a good book trailer looks like. Then I had to figure out how to create the story I wanted to tell. That involved learning three different programs. Finally I had to figure out how to upload the finished video to YouTube. That’s a lot of figure-outing!
All that work may sound intimidating, but actually I accomplished the whole project in a few weeks. There were lots of steps, but most of them weren’t too difficult. I’m glad I decided to take this challenge, and I’m pleased with the result. You can watch the final product here.
How to redesign a website.
Up until recently my website was focused on my blog. Now that I am a published author, I needed to convert my website from the home of this blog to the home of “Lisa the author.” That meant figuring out all kinds of things, from a new logo to new page layouts.
I had planned to hire someone to do the programming end, but when that plan fell through I decided to do it myself. It’s taken some time and experimentation, but I’ve managed to figure out enough to create a website that meets my needs. Please visit my new home page and click around for a few moments. What do you think?
How to cook like an ancient Roman.
Some of you know that I’m a foodie. In my book I describe specific dishes my characters are eating. As I prepare to market my book, that foodie angle might become a fun talking point. So I dusted off the ancient Roman cookbooks I used for research and tried a few of the recipes. I’ll be doing more of this recipe testing in the weeks to come, but here are a few photos of my efforts so far.
I hope these little stories of my successful projects will help you find the courage and persistence to figure out how to overcome your own challenges. Happy figure-outing.
Lisa… Loved this – especially your promo video! Well done – can’t wait to buy a copy!!!!
Thanks for all your encouragement!
I love your book trailer! Awesome job! And congratulations on the book deal. I just went to Amazon and did a pre-order. It sounds really cute, and I can’t wait to read it. Maybe we’ll get to see each other at another ACFW conference next year.
That would be nice. Virtual meetings are convenient, but they don’t replace talking to real humans in person. I hope your writing journey is progressing. Have a wonderful Christmas.
great list of accomplishments. Your video was a perfect tease/summary of the book.
Thanks for all your input over the years!
Hi Lisa. Well done – there is no doubting that the pandemic is hard on everybody, but I think those that have been able to use any new-found spare time productively have coped better than they may otherwise have done. And you have certainly been productive! I didn’t see the ‘old’ website but the current one, including the home page, looks great. It gives a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment doesn’t it?
PS: Keep up the good work.
PPS: Harvey the Labrador says ‘Hi’ to Scallywag 🙂
Thank you for your kind comments! I hope my list can encourage others to try new things. And Scallywag says hello back, and thanks for remembering that cats are important, too.