Have you ever considered that the phrase “Merry Christmas” might be fraught with stress and condemnation?
How could that be? It sounds so cheerful and innocent.
And it is—until being merry becomes an EXPECTATION.
When we feel obligated to be merry whether we feel like it or not, or when we expect the season to create happy feeling in us, we are setting ourselves up for disappointment, frustration, and bitterness.
Life is tough enough without that kind of stress! We must not allow a phrase to dictate our expectations or make us feel guilty.
So I hereby give you permission to not feel merry today if that isn’t where life is for you.
Like many of you, our family lost loved ones this year. Including both my father and father-in-law. Those losses are real, and so is the grief. There may be moments when I don’t feel very merry.
That’s OK.
The real Christmas isn’t about ho, ho, ho! and deck the halls. It doesn’t require forced jollity, or decorations, or gifts. The real Christmas is about the fact that God loved this broken world enough to send his son, Jesus, to give us all hope for a better life.
The gift of Jesus is true no matter how we feel or what we’re currently facing. I hope that fact gives you hope even if it doesn’t make you feel merry.
If you’re struggling with grief this Christmas, perhaps this song will bring you comfort.
You know I think Christmas more so now that we all grow older is about family and people who have kids it’s the joy on there faces that light up your life. I remember all the good memories with my son as he got older it’s quite depressing actually. Christmas isn’t what it used to be I feel like now more so than ever!
When life takes a turn, we have to find new ways to find joy in life. But in the meantime, sometimes we need to allow ourselves to grieve what is gone. I wish you joyful moments in the coming week.