If we want a flourishing, satisfying Christian life, we must live intentionally. An intentional lifestyle means deliberate, consistent, daily choices towards a better, meaningful, God-honoring life.
Living intentionally helps us make positive changes, pursue what matters most, and live in harmony with our core values.
Why do we need to live intentionally?
Because it’s much easier to float with the current than to paddle against it. It’s easy to go through the motions of life without even thinking about our choices, living by default and the whims of fate. It’s easy to give in, bend our values, and wear masks to keep others happy. It’s easier to stay stuck and make excuses than to do the work required to change for the better.
As you can see, if we don’t stand firm on our principles and purpose, we will be swept along by the currents of this world. That’s why the first foundation for living intentionally is to realize we are in a battle.
In a battle, if you don’t stand your ground, you will be pushed back by the opposing forces. In our case, the opposing forces are the opinions, standards, and expectations of the people and groups that surround us.
The Message version of Romans 2:2 says, “Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.” This is precisely what happens when we allow ourselves to drift with the current and take the easy option instead of holding fast to our core values and priorities.
5 habits that hinder us from living intentionally.
An overscheduled life. When we are constantly trying to squeeze too much into each day, we are too busy to stop and think through our decisions, too distracted by squeaky wheels to prioritize wisely, and too weary to care.
Living on autopilot. When we live on autopilot, we mindlessly follow existing habits and react to life as it comes by. This is mere existence, not the road to personal growth or a meaningful life.
Lack of purpose. When we’re not clear on our core values and life purpose, we don’t have the road map we need to stay on course. We are at the mercy of distractions and easily manipulated or misled by others.
Fitting in. When we focus on keeping others happy by conforming to their expectations so we can win approval and avoid rejection, we lose sight of who we are and what we were called to do.
Acting on impulse. When we allow emotions or desires to dictate our actions and attitudes, we are living at the mercy of our circumstances instead of rising above them. Also, we are opting for immediate gratification without considering the consequences.
Win the battle against meaningless existence
Living with intention is not the Easy Button lifestyle.
If we hope to enjoy a life characterized by focus, purpose, motivation, and thriving relationships, we must make daily choices and take daily actions that move us in that direction. We must live intentionally, one small step at a time.
It takes intentional, deliberate effort to:
- Make positive change, improve habits, pursue self-improvement
- Be more present, authentic, and confident
- Reach our full potential
- Act from a place of love, hope, and faith instead of fear, anger, and judgement
- Pursue what matters most instead of wasting time on things that don’t
- Avoid the cognitive dissonance that happens when our actions don’t match up with our values (leading to internal discomfort, shame, regrets, excuses, anxiety, rationalizing, etc.—all of which drain us by sapping emotional and mental energy)
These are the kinds of actions and attitudes that characterize living intentionally. These are what lead to a thriving, satisfying, meaningful life.
Bottom line
We are surrounded by circumstances and pressures that can keep us from living a flourishing and meaningful life if we don’t fight the good fight. It takes consistent effort and it’s not always fun, but it is the way to a thriving life of purpose, fulfillment, contentment, and joy.
Where have you put your life on autopilot? What can you do this week to be more intentional in that area?
Want a more flourishing life? These seven foundational concepts will help you live intentionally.
- You are in a battle (whether you know it or not) – We are surrounded by circumstances and pressures that can keep us from living a flourishing and meaningful life if we don’t fight the good fight.
- You have Agency—the power and the responsibility to make good choices and to pursue personal and spiritual growth throughout your life, regardless of your circumstances.
- Know yourself and your core values – Self-awareness and knowing your core values inform what is most important and guide you to a meaningful life.
- Regular reflection is critical – without regular self-reflection we lost touch with what is important and where adjustments are needed to get back on course.
- Adopt God’s definition of self-worth and life purpose – When our worth is based on God’ power and our purpose is focused on accomplishing his will for us, we no longer need to earn approval and accolades from others to be successful.
- Every Choice is a trade-off (whether you are aware of it or not) – We can’t have it all. We must make deliberate tradeoffs in an effort to do what matters most.
- Prioritize wisely – Intentional living is all about deliberately and prayerfully choosing your priorities and then sticking to them.