- Do you wish you could be seen, heard, and understood for who you are, deep down inside, without any mask or pretense?
- Are you tired of feeling like a secret misfit for not being satisfied with the image-perfect lifestyle and cookie-cutter preferences of all the “normal” people around you?
- Are you ready to quit the hustle to measure up and stop living in fear of what other people think, so you can pursue your God-given calling in your own quirky, unique way?
If so, join me in adopting the Quietly Unconventional Manifesto.
I believe:

I don’t need to measure up to someone else’s standards to be worthwhile and loveable. I am fully loved and accepted by God, just as I am, despite my bad hair, weird opinions, and the secret stash of chocolate I keep for emergencies.
The best version of myself is my most authentic self—the true, God-created self behind the masks, achievements, and pretense. (Hallelujah! I can throw all those uncomfortable masks away!)

I may never start a non-profit, reach senior management, or get into the Guinness Book of World Records, but there are people in this world who need something I am uniquely qualified to provide.
I will impact the world most effectively when I act from my genuine personality, giftings, and calling—utilizing my strengths and putting my unique spin on all I do.

Living a quietly unconventional life is not about making a scene, rebelling against authority, or otherwise striving to get noticed. Instead, it’s about living my values and calling with integrity whether anyone else notices or not. (I notice and God notices. That’s enough.)
I cannot live true to my genuine calling alone. We are each designed and equipped to play a unique but important part in a healthy community. (Which means I don’t need to be good at everything. Whew!)

I deserve to be accepted and loved for my true self. So does everyone else. I honor each person’s right to live as authentically as I do—even when their odd little quirks annoy me or they make choices I don’t agree with. (Gasp!)
In order to focus on what matters most and what makes my soul come alive, I must quit striving to fit molds I was not created to fit, accomplish tasks I am not called to do. This is going to upset a few apple carts. I will make applesauce and keep growing.

Originality and innovation require stepping outside the box and trying things no one has tried before. Sometimes this makes a mess. (Oops!) Other times it leads to brilliance. (Ta da!)
A lifestyle marked by authenticity and purpose requires effort and sacrifice, but it’s worth it because living inauthentically sucks the life from my soul and the joy from my heart.

Click any of the blue boxes to read more information about that Quietly Unconventional Manifesto statement.
“Don’t settle for a normal life. Not when you can enjoy the wonderful weirdness of being who God created you to be.”
Craig Groeschel