You are smarter than you think. Even if you weren’t good in school, you are still smart in one or more of the nine intelligences.
Do You Understand Me? A Glimpse into My World
The Enneagram is a fabulous tool for understanding yourself, which is the foundation for self-growth. Here’s a glimpse of my life as an Enneagram Five.
Are You Missing These Self-Care Secrets?
Self-care is not just for our physical well-being. 21 ideas for inner self-care that will inspire you to pay attention to the care of your inner self.
What Do You Need to Be Whole? Setting Healthy Boundaries
You and I are at our best when we are whole and healthy in all aspects of our lives. Healthy boundaries define what we need to be whole, healthy, and supported.
Make Peace with 2020
Fifteen questions to reflect on your life, so you can make peace with the past year and face the new year with hope and confidence. Live intentionally.
True Authenticity: How to Live Authentically
Choosing a lifestyle of authenticity helps us find the middle ground between serving only ourselves and existing as a servant to others. #Liveintentionally #Authenticity #BeYou