The world values things like wealth, power, image, security, accolades, and being number one. The world’s definition of purpose is…
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Do You Need a Better Definition of Success?
A one-dimensional definition of success won’t lead you to a satisfying life. Revise your definition to include these four critical components.
Is Your Hope Misplaced?
If our hope is misplaced we are setting ourselves up for failure and disappointment. We need to avoid putting our hope in things achievements, and people.
Why Is It Important to Celebrate Achievements?
Why is it important to celebrate achievements and milestones? Because we all need encouragement to keep going, and maintain a healthy perspective.
7 Things I Figured Out How to Do This Year
Life is full of challenges. Sometimes we need to remember that challenges can be overcome and complex problems can be figured out.
A Tale of Two Mindsets: Progress vs. Perfection
Here at Live Intentionally I often talk about the importance of taking small steps. I believe in the value of…
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