This is an exciting week for me, because a long-term dream is being fulfilled. My first novel, Death and a Crocodile, officially releases TODAY.
As I look back over the years, I can see various stages in the journey that ultimately led to this moment. These stages can apply to anyone, no matter the dreams or where you are along the way. I hope they inspire you.
Stages along my journey to fulfilling a big dream
1. A spark of interest
My journey to published author did not begin with me deciding to write a book. That idea wouldn’t come along until much later. It all started because I wanted something new and creative to try while at home with small children. On a whim I signed up for a creative writing course. That’s all it was—a whim.
By the time I finished the course, I’d discovered I enjoyed creative writing. If I hadn’t followed that whim, I might have missed that discovery altogether.
That’s why it’s important to try new things. You never know which activities will fall into the That-was-fun-to-do-once category and which become This-stirs-something-in-my-soul. So listen to your whims!
2. Developing the interest
I enjoyed the first writing course so much that I enrolled in two more. I dabbled for years. The germ of a novel started to sprout in my mind, and eventually I decided it was worth trying to write it down. I wasn’t yet thinking about publishing a book, but I was practicing my new hobby. Next I found a few like-minded people and we began a critique group, which prompted me to keep writing, learning, and growing.
To develop a hobby into something more, you need to connect with mentors, teachers, and peers who can help you grow. As new skills are nurtured, big, impossible dreams can begin to sprout.
3. Taking ownership
One of the most important steps I made on this journey was to begin self-identifying as a writer. It took some soul-searching and courage to get to this point. At first I felt like an imposter. I didn’t have any publishing credits to back up my statement. It wasn’t my career. Who was I to call myself a writer?
But this was a vital step. Until I made this shift in my head, I would remain a dilettante. I would have an excuse for never finishing my novel or never submitting anything to get published. Fortunately, I was challenged at a conference to make this mental shift. It took some time, but with intentional effort I eventually worked up the courage to start calling myself a writer. In public!
It was only after that step that I could begin to imagine I might someday write a book that could be published.
Have you taken ownership of the interests that stir your heart? Are you willing to take ownership of your new skills and let others know you have them? It’s mighty hard to dream big dreams when you see yourself as an imposter.
4. Putting in the work
A big dream only becomes reality with a lot of hard work. When my youngest went off to college, I decided to actively pursue writing. It was time to stop dabbling and make writing a priority. I attended conferences and began to do the things the experts told me were important, even though I didn’t always understand why. I began blogging. I started social media accounts. I sought out feedback on my writing. I was slowly honing my craft and learning the ropes of the book industry.
One key milestone in this stage was when I finished an entire manuscript. That first novel was far from publishable, but it proved I could write an entire novel-length story! If I could write one novel, then I could write another one. A better one. And then, maybe, a publishable book would be within the realm of possibility.
What milestones along the way in your journey help you believe you have what it takes to go farther? Be sure to celebrate them.
5. Taking the doors that open
Opportunities are stepping stones. They can help you reach your goal, even when they don’t seem to lead towards it. Over the past twenty years I have accepted multiple opportunities to use my writing to benefit others, both other writers and various ministries. Many of those opportunities had no obvious impact on helping me achieve my goal of publishing a book.
And yet, looking back I see how God was at work through it all, creating future opportunities I wasn’t expecting. In the secular world I might call this networking. Whatever the term, I have come to firmly believe that when an opportunity that fits my talents and passion shows up in front of me, I should take it. Who knows when a monthly column in a group writing blog could lead to being signed by a literary agent, which could eventually lead to a publishing contract.
As you pursue your goals, don’t be too quick to ignore opportunities to serve others with your skills. And don’t despair if every opportunity seems to be taking you on a detour instead of heading towards your destination. Who knows where it might lead?
Success … and then what?
From dabbling to a published book took over twenty-five years. That’s OK. This was a slowly evolving dream. The important thing was that I kept at it. I followed my heart even when I had no idea where it would ultimately lead.
And now here I am, holding my very own novel. It’s the end of one journey, but the beginning of another. Because my dream isn’t to have a published book sitting on a shelf. My dream is to have a book that others will read and enjoy. And that means more hard work as I promote and market my book. Which is a whole new world.
That’s how worthwhile dreams work. One dream leads to the next. And the next. Because life isn’t about that final moment of success. Life is about finding things worth doing, and then doing them with all your heart and skill.
What are you working at with all your heart and skill this week?
Congratulations with your book. I look forward to reading it. 😀
Thank you. Happy reading!
Congratulations on your first novel being published, that must be an amazing feeling
Yes, it is. Lots of hard work, but worth it. I wish you success on your dreams!
Congratulatins on publishing your novel – you deserve to ne so proud of yourself!
Thank you. Yes, and I am amazed and blessed at all the kind congratulations.