The willingness to try or take action unlocks your potential.
You have extraordinary potential. You have the capacity to Become and grow.
You possess latent qualities and abilities, longing for cultivation and development.
Your potential is truly limitless. No matter who you are, what your age or station, you have the capacity to achieve extraordinary things in your life. It’s never too late to change; to set and reach new goals, and experience a better life.
Believe me when I say, there is no expiration date on your potential, unless you put one on it.
The gap
For those of us who want to untap our potential, there remains a gap, however, between what we are today and what we can become. And living in that gap is one looming, miserable and uncomfortable foe—FEAR. A.K.A. (also known as) uncertainty, trepidation, anxiety, discomfort, panic, dread… on and on I could go, for many are the alias’ of FEAR.
Regardless what we call it, fear is there. That’s a given. And for the confident, able ones who look fear in the face disregarding its threat, they overcome, achieve, fall and get back up, and play full out in life.
But for other, less brave souls, they remain stuck in the starting blocks, unready or even unwilling to run the race in whatever area life requires. Sadly, I have discovered that for these less confident and courageous individuals, they stop dreaming, wanting, or hoping for a better life. They find it too painful to believe for more, so they shut down the Imagination Factory, put an end to “childhood dreams,” and simply accept their life.
As John Maxwell says, “Most people don’t lead their life, they just accept their life!”
~big sigh here~
Are you one of those people? Has fear left you living on Mundane Drive, Average Alley, or Boring Boulevard? Okay you get it.
If so, let’s get you unstuck. (I want your brain to pause here….)
First, let me help you know how to overcome that fear. For I have studied and learned that there is 1 essential quality missing from those that live the Que Sera Sera kind of life. (Just the thought of that philosophy makes me shiver. The phrase means whatever happens, happens or what will be, will be. Fatalism. How horrible.)
Getting Unstuck
What if I told you that you could open your heart, dream again, and actually fulfill that dream? And that you could unleash your dormant potential, set audacious goals, and accomplish them?
And what if I told you, that you could go through life with unlimited success and opportunities; that you could increase your wealth, take bolder steps, try new things, set and reach higher aspirations?
Would you want that?
What quality do you imagine it would take to accomplish this?
Well studies show, there is a trait that successful people have in common. This trait is in fact, the 1 thing that CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and successful outliers of all types have in abundance.
What is it?
Unshakable Confidence.
It sounds simple. But its not easy. Most people have inadequate self-confidence. They are unaware of how to harness confidence, learn the secret of how self-confidence works, and how to grow and build confidence, so that they don’t just face life, they own their life!
As Abraham Maslow said, The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.
“You can live pitiful or powerful but you can’t be both.”
Joyce Meyer
So, the first place to start is to build confidence; to live life with a spirit of Bravery!
Ahhh… there’s our favorite word. Brave.
Cousin to Confidence is Courage. You can learn more on that in episode 16 “4 steps of the courageous.”
But here’s what I want you to know today;
Self-Confidence is a quality you can possess. It’s not just for a select few. Confidence is a skill you can develop. Belief in your ability to grow, change, flourish and thrive, and belief in your value, voice, person and presence, are all by-products of nurturing self-confidence.
Your beliefs matter!
Because your life is moving in the direction of your most dominant thought, you can easily see the cause and effect of a negative, sub-par thought life. If I believe bad things always happen to me, my conformation bias will undoubtedly kick-in and draw to me, more of the horrible same. You will indeed find what you search for.
But if you believe you are a magnet for success; if you believe in your capabilities and God-worth, what do you think you’ll find? Positive and beautiful opportunities!
So, here’s the challenge for today…. Trace your thoughts. What do you believe about you? Your life? Your abilities? Your presence? Do you apologize for breathing someone’s air? For taking up space?
Or do you boldly take your place in life’s story as a main character with a starring role?
Write down what you discover… and then decide what you want to do with what you’ve found.
My gift for you today is my ebook on Confidence. It’s a great place to start building yours. In this guide, I give you 5 steps you can start right away. Find your brave confidence, and Live your Best Life! Get it here.
Now share with me in the comments… Will you take the next step???

Dawn Damon is an Influencer, Pastor, Global Communicator, Podcaster, Coach, and Best-Selling Author. Founder and CEO of the BraveHearted Woman, a transformational coaching and personal growth development enterprise designed to awaken and cultivate the vision of women-dreamers, calling them to braven-up and live their best lives.
Also known as the “BraveHeart Mentor” TM Dawn is the creator and host of “The BraveHearted Woman” a weekly podcast that encourages women to unleash their full potential to the world, by discovering their inner fortitude to make needed life transformations, so they can live a fulfilling life without regret.
Hi Lisa, Thanks so much for this post! I’ve just listened to two of her podcasts- what a blessing!
Thanks so much for sharing this post and Dawn Damon’s ministry. Blessings!!
Thanks for letting me know. I am trying to do more of bringing other wonderful resources to my readers.