Focus is a good thing, but sometimes we get too focused on solving the next problem or crossing the next item off our to-do list. That’s why we need reminders to stop, widen our focus, and notice the many good things and simple joys of life.
These three posts offer lists of activities and other things that will help you shift your focus and become mindful of the many simple joys of life that surround you. Don’t let the season slip past without taking some time to savor a few of these simple pleasures.

It doesn’t take a lot of time or money to savor the pleasures that summer offers. Have you been making the most of your summer?
Here are 21 suggestions that will help you slow down and savor the simple
joys of life that summer offers. Read more.

I hope you will enjoy these short, easy activities that will help you focus on the moment, and on the simple pleasures we find around us.
31 Simple Activities to bring a smile to your face. Try one simple joy of life each day. Read more.

Are you struggling to find a smile in your heart today? If so, it’s time to create a gratitude list.
The more we practice focusing on gratitude, the easier it become to see the simple joys in life instead of just the problems. Read more.