Here at Quietly Unconventional, I write a lot about strategies and mindsets to help you become more confident, authentic, and purposeful. Imposter syndrome is one of the reasons we struggle with living authentically. The posts below provide tools and mindset shifts that will help you overcome imposter syndrome and become more of the true masterpiece you were created to be.

Many of us struggle with shyness or social anxiety. We wish we could “just be ourselves” but we often hide our real selves out of fear.
If you’re afraid the “real you” isn’t cool enough, or smart enough, or successful enough, you’re not alone. Read more.

Our inner critic id often one of the biggest contributors to imposter syndrome.
This post outlines a strategy to defeat the inner critic’s fearmongering and live with more confidence. Read more.

As shame researcher Brene Brown says: “Shame forces us to put so much value on what other people think that we lose ourselves in the process of trying to meet everyone else’s expectations.”
If shame is a factor in your imposter syndrome, read on.